As a former, now retired investment banker for over 20 years and retired CEO of a small hi tech company I can tell you trade machine was working very well a few years ago. Markets have drastically changed and unfortunately a lot of the old models are having a difficult time in this kind of market. As a trader you are constantly dealing with markets that are run by the central bank’s willingness to print money. Those stock & commodities markets are tremendously influenced by central banks printing money and when the money printing press is taken away you are left with an enormous global debt that can’t be paid. It is like a drug addict always needing more and at some point it reaches a very bad breaking point. This is not to dissimilar to 08/-09 mortgage debt crisis. The biggest difference we had back then was individuals pilling up a ton of mortgage debt and the commercial banks willing to keep lending even more money. Now you have whole governments doing the same thing, using their central bankers to do their bidding. The scale of this is exponentially larger and who is going to bail out whole governments EU, CHINA, JAPAN, USA? This will lead to a very unhappy ending in the future (my guess mid 2020’s to no longer than 2030’s). You are beginning to catch small glimpses now , Bank of England, And other very large financial institutions in Europe. Markets are completely manipulated by all these issues and what worked in the past may not work at all. At the end, all I am saying is give Ophir a small break. He does great work, but unfortunately when the global economy changes so drastically it takes time to understand the adjustments you need to make to your models.

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You should be ashamed of yourself, Ophir.

CML Pro picks are down the drain, absolute garbage, that you now pivot to a "pattern finding" service, after the disaster that was Trade Machine and CML Pro. Instead of doubling down and finding ways to make your existing service better, you pivot to stealing money from new traders.

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This sounds like an amazing tool, can't wait

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Loving this !

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